
23 September

AJB On Tour

Festival Cadences, Arcachon, France

9 November

Public rehearsal
with choreographer Macarena González

Dance Area, Geneva

9 December

Cartes Blanches, the students compose
Evening presentation of the dancers’ choreographies

Dance Area, Geneva

13 December

AJB Show

Institut International de Lancy, Geneva

26 January

Public Rehearsal
around the new creation by Erion Kruja
Dance Area, Geneva

1-2-3 February

AJB on tour

Espace Saugonna, Mamers, France

20-22 March

International Festival
Junior Ballets

Bâtiment des Forces Motrices

Learn more

AJB on tour

Riley Theatre, Leeds, UK

23-24 May

Show of Dance Area training classes

Centre des Arts, Geneva

17 & 19 June

Cartes Blanches:
Heureuse d’être chaise

Evening presentation of the dancers’ choreographies.

22-23 June

Fête de la Musique
Erion Kruja’s
We Will Never Give Up On Love


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Fondation Dance Area

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