
Direction and pedagogical and artistic team

Artistic and pedagogical coordination
& AJB repetitor

Created in 2016, Area Jeune Ballet (AJB) is a junior company supported by Dance Area (Geneva, Switzerland).

Founded in 2016, Area Jeune Ballet (AJB) is Dance Area’s junior company based in Geneva, Switzerland. Bringing together talented dancers aged 18 to 22 from diverse backgrounds, AJB offers high-quality performances while serving as a bridge between academic training and the professional world. Dancers work with renowned choreographers, gaining valuable stage experience across Europe and building a strong network, which eases their transition into the dance industry.

Fondation Dance Area

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Fondation Dance Area

If you would like to be kept informed of the activities of the Area Jeune Ballet, subscribe! We only use your contact details for this purpose (you can unsubscribe at any time using the link provided for this purpose at the bottom of each newsletter).